
A Christian Struggle with Sin.  

Posted by Heisan in , ,

Dispute of Jesus and the Pharisees over tribute moneyImage via WikipediaIn this Sunday's Gospel reading I just want to pour out what my thoughts have to say with regards to this. In Matthew 9:12-13 Jesus tells the Pharisees who are questioning his attitude by eating with the sinners and tax collectors which in their own time is considered sinners and unworthy to associate with. Jesus said "...Healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do. .... I did not come to call the righteous but sinners. Indeed it is easy to be called a Christian but it is hard to become a real one. Always in my life I have struggling in my blessed Catholic faith, how to live it, in my life, work and relationship. I am very much consoled with the Gospel readings and it gives me always hope that God indeed do come for me- a sinner. My relationship with God ever since in an uphill struggle towards perfection and often I fall more than I am victorious over my own sensuality and inordinate desires, but still like St. Augustine who once said that I must continue praying and begging God even in midst of sinfulness and unworthiness so that His river of Mercy would continue to flow and lead me back to repentance and confession of my own sins and failures. So I must move on and face my sinfulness, learn to forgive myself and beg God for mercy and love which is in abundance for He is a merciful and forgiving God.

Zemanta Pixie

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