In my daily readings of my favorite Catholic inspirational writer Carlo Caretto I have come across a very good reflection that I want to share here. He mentioned in the pages the following very inspiring and simple contemplation. He said that the road to God is the Road on which we walk now.And that we should feel and see the creatures, every creature.
Why take such an interest in a dewdrop appearing on the Virgin's eyelash in a painting, yet not see all the dewdrops of a morning in spring?
Why go miles and miles to see the dubious stigmata on someone or other's hands, yet not move a step to contemplate the sore-covered hands of the poor?
Begin feeling God in creatures. See his beauty in the beauty of the sun as it rises on your human day. Hear his voice in the voice of the brother beside you, trying to communicate with you.
Waste no more time, seeking God in your own fantasies.
Once you realize how miraculous it is that a bee can find the door of its hive, you will feel that God id near you and near your silence.
Try and sing.
For the sky that you have given us, alleluia!
For the sun that you have given us, alleluia!
For the sea that you have given us, alleluia!
For the friends that you have given us, alleluia!
Yes, alleluia, even if the sky is sometimes cloudy.
Alleluia, even if the sun is sometimes scorching
Alleluia if sea is sometimes stormy
Alleluia, even if your friends do not always see eye to eye with you.
All is grace
All is God, loving me.
Gos is in all, molding me.
God is in all, making me his son.
Right indeed! For only in seeing the whole of creation in its simplicity and beauty that is hidden from the human eyes but can be seen by faith do we able to reach God not only ones but daily we experience heaven.
Conviction and not Opinion needed today!
Posted by Heisan in Faith, God, life, love, Religion, simplicity
I attended the Eucharistic celebration today and the priest celebrant's homily is very interesting and enlightening that I want to share it here. The Gospel and the homily is for the coming 3rd Sunday in the Ordinary time-"The calling of Peter,Andrew, James and John in the Sea of Galilee by our Lord. Here is what he said in his homily: " There is a group of tourist who are visiting the great cathedrals of Europe and they are being guided and given the information about every Cathedrals they have visited. One from the tourist said "Why can't we build like this magnificent edifice nowadays?" An old lady from the group replied "You know people during that times have conviction ours are only opinion."
Conviction and not opinion is what we must do as Christians and particularly Catholics in todays society who is leaning and plunging more and more its day into secularism and the denial of God. Conviction to stand for our faith. Conviction to hold more closely to Christ the Lord of the Universe. Conviction to prove to world that it is not in material things that we can have happiness and fulfillment but in the simplicity of believing in the Lord of Life. We have to take the examples of Peter, Andrew, James and John in the Sunday's Gospel that follows the Lord "at once" without hesitation to become "fisher's of men".
Simplicity and the beauty of it!
Posted by Heisan in beauty, Catholic, Faith, God, gold, life, Religion, simplicity, treasures
While reading a Catholic inspirational book with the title "Simplify and live a Good Life" by Bro. Bo Sanchez a well-known local lay Catholic evangelist in my home country the Philippines I come across a page that is worth posting here. It says: "I believe that God chose to write the "map of happiness" on the ordinary parchment of simplicity- like a treasure map written on recycled brown paper. Consequently, many people ignore that map, and are attracted instead to the more glossy, loud, shiny maps around. But when they follow these other maps, they end up tired as a dog chasing its own tail......
Simplify because you want to discover the depths of your soul.
Simplify because you want to start living deliberately.
Simplify because you want to love from an uncluttered heart.
Remember that simplicity is only the first step of the journey. Holding the treasure map, memorizing it, photocopying it a thousand times and keeping it safe in a vault won't make you claim the gold. You actually need to sail through oceans, climb peaks, cross valleys and explore caves.
Simplicity will point you to where and what and who the gold is in your life.
Once you know your gold, the game has just begun."
And he poses this question, "Will you treasure your gold?"
In my case I know where, what and who is the gold in my life: my wife, my extended family, my kids and my blessed Catholic faith with these in my heart I search no further. All my plans, my endeavor and my objectives is focused on this gold that is in my life already and need not search anywhere for they are always there with me wherever I go. I remember what Pope John XXIII in his "Journal of a Soul" says: "The older I grow, the more clearly I perceive the dignity and winning beauty of simplicity in thought, conduct and speech: a desire to simplify all that is complicated and to treat everything with the greatest naturalness and clarity."
So be it!
Life in Christ: Catechism #2094
Posted by Heisan in cathecism, Christ, Faith, God, joy, life, Religion, spiritual life
One can sin against God's love in various ways: indifference neglects or refuses to reflect on divine charity; it fails to consider its prevenient goodness and denies its power; ingratitude fails or refuses to acknowledge divine charity and to return him love for love; lukewarmness is hesitation or negligence in responding to divine love; it can imply refusal to give oneself over to the prompting of charity; acedia or spiritual sloth goes so far as to refuse the joy that comes from God and to be repelled by divine goodness; hatred of God comes from pride. It is contrary to love of God, whose goodness it denies, and whom it presumes to curse as the one who forbids sins and inflicts punishments.
About Me

- Heisan
- Hi! I'm Heisan Salivio and this is a blog that I have created to share something that I learn about blogging since I started in 2005.I created this blog to earn extra money hopefully and at the same time share what I've learn from blogging since 2005. Welcome! Hope you'll enjoy and learn something from my post here. I'm a Catholic layman who once opted to become a priest but later choose to marry rather than be an impure one. A great admirer of St. Augustine and St. Paul and an avid Papist.I am blogging since 2005 and created at least three blogs. One is all about technology, second is about my faith and journey as a Catholic and third is about blogging reviews and monetizing a blog. I am a medical professional but have been hooked in the internet learning to make a web page using CSS and HTML which I am an amateur as of now and still continually learning.