Life is a gift from God and therefore so precious that it should be protected from the very beginning of conception to its ultimate end. Life as a person is a daily celebration that we must understand in the context of our Christian vocation. It is indeed a celebration of joy, sorrow and glory. A celebration of joy every time a new born baby cry, every time two people shared their love in marriage, every time we meet new friends and every time we are able to forgive those who have wronged us. A celebration of sorrow every time there is suffering in our midst, every time when seems evil surrounds us, everytime we feel we are alone in our struggle for peace, justice and human equality and everytime we feel we are abandoned by friends and family, but life is also a celebration of glory knowing that everything in this world is just a passing moment, a journey with its sideshows and allurements that we have to face and struggle with as we move onward towards the real homeland which is prepared for us in the Heavenly Kingdom this we hope and believe as a people of Faith. This Advent season let us reflect on the meaning and sacredness of life. For our Lord comes for us that we may have life and have that life in its fullness!
Let's celebrate Life!
It's truly a challenge to see "celebration" of sorrow. but isn;t that whatthe cross is all about? Even in death and suffering, Christ brings life and joy. In fact, without the cross, there would be no resurrection.
It's truly a challenge to see "celebration" of sorrow. but isn;t that whatthe cross is all about? Even in death and suffering, Christ brings life and joy. In fact, without the cross, there would be no resurrection.
Yes indeed Andy it is truly a challenge to be able to celebrate life amidst sorrow. But if only people would see the salvific effect of celebrating life in the midst of sorrow we would discover is great value in our Christian maturity and understanding of the teachings of Christ and His Church. I for myself have experienced how to celebrate life amidst sorrow it brings me more closer to God and give more insights to appreciate the beauty of the Eucharist. It is in experiencing life amidst sorrow that we can see God's hands moulding us into what he wants us to be so that we can celebrate the Ressurection more fully. Indeed without the cross there would be no ressurection. It is in understanding the cross of Christ that we can fully grasp the beauty of the Ressurection.
Amen Heisan! Very good insight. I pray I remember this when my time of suffering comes.
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- Heisan
- Hi! I'm Heisan Salivio and this is a blog that I have created to share something that I learn about blogging since I started in 2005.I created this blog to earn extra money hopefully and at the same time share what I've learn from blogging since 2005. Welcome! Hope you'll enjoy and learn something from my post here. I'm a Catholic layman who once opted to become a priest but later choose to marry rather than be an impure one. A great admirer of St. Augustine and St. Paul and an avid Papist.I am blogging since 2005 and created at least three blogs. One is all about technology, second is about my faith and journey as a Catholic and third is about blogging reviews and monetizing a blog. I am a medical professional but have been hooked in the internet learning to make a web page using CSS and HTML which I am an amateur as of now and still continually learning.